hop on the bus

i'm definitely excited about this discussion group. i'm also a little bit worried because i've started reading the first couple of chapters, and this is one of those kinds of books. some might say it could "ruin" them. i find myself already uncomfortable with willard's insightful, and incisive, commentary on the state of christianity today. not because i disagree but, rather, because i see myself in so much of his critique.
a quick excerpt:
But the cost of nondiscipleship is far greater - even when this life alone is considered - than the price paid to walk with Jesus, constantly learning from him. Nondiscipleship costs abiding peace, a life penetrated throughout by love, faith that sees everything in the light of God's over-riding governance for good, hopefulness that stands firm in the most discouraging of circumstances, power to do what is right and withstand the forces of evil. In short, nondiscipleship costs you exactly the abundance of life Jesus said he came to bring (John 10:10).i sometimes find myself almost apologizing for how difficult it can be to follow Jesus. however, i'm starting to recover that right perspective - it actually costs much more not to follow Him. more than just answering with a churchy, flippant "Jesus" to the important questions (how can i live with depth, clarity, passion and purpose? how can i be changed from a jerk into a more godly person? who made flying squirrels?), i want to follow Him.
Hey Dan!
Excited you're getting into D. Willard. It was his The Divine Conspiracy that set me on a path of discipleship -- in its Biblical sense, I'd say -- a few years ago. Since then, I devoured more of his writings -- The Spirit of the Disciplines, Renovation of the Heart, and Conversational Life with God. The idea of the great omission -- the second part of the Great Commission -- is something he develops a bit in The Divine Conspiracy as well.
As with all insightful thinkers, he really has a single idea that runs through all his books -- Jesus as a teacher of life. (Rich Mullins said, if Jesus says he came to give us abundant life, wouldn't it be true that our goal in life is to really live?)
I wonder if this will send you to the journey on which I am -- from D. Williard to studying the kingdom of God to N. T. Wright, federal vision, re-examining reformed theology, etc.
How exciting!
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