Saturday, April 15, 2006

in between days

so much of life is lived somewhere in between...

with a nod to tony campolo, good friday was yesterday and easter sunday is coming tomorrow... and here i am, on this holy saturday, reminded of how this day represents so much of what life is like. waiting. uncertainty. hope, but not yet fulfilled. (here are some meaningful reflections on this theme)...

i want to celebrate the joy of easter without seeming like a phony used-car salesman. i want to know the reality of His resurrection. i have grumbled so much recently, grousing about ungratefully about how things *should* work out. i want to be able to wait on God without tapping my foot nervously & annoyingly, anxiously checking my watch and clearing my throat just loud enough for Him to know that i am unhappy with the delay.

we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body - 2 corinthians 4:10

further up & further in!